I’m now accepting review requests for Episode stories! While I’ll try my best to review as many as possible, the reality is I only have a certain amount of time. Therefore some stories will be added to my review queue and other requests will be denied Browse my review FAQs below for more information about which stories I’ll choose, when …
Of Flesh and Fire the eBook, Now Live!
After quite a few weeks of sleepless nights, edits, rewrites, excitement, frustration, and general madness– I’m so proud to announce that ‘Of Flesh and Fire’ the eBook is now available in the Kindle store on Amazon.com As a special ‘THANK YOU‘ to all current readers, the ‘Of Flesh and Fire’ ebook will be available to you for $1.99 (50% off) …
Tuesday meets Episode!
All I can say is WOW. The team behind our favourite app, Episode Interactive, are just great. I’m not even joking, they are smart, friendly people, who are just cool in general. The hubs and I were on our way to the Emerald City (Seattle) for a quick visit home and decided to stop off in SF to meet the people …
Recently Royal: Episode Featured Story!
I’m SO excited to announce that I am currently working with Episode Interactive to turn my story ‘Recently Royal’ into an Episode ‘featured’ story! What does this mean? 🌟New backgrounds & art items created by the Episode team 🌟An enhanced storyline, with even more choices to make 🌟New excellent FREE choices, as well as the ability to unlock NEW premium …