I’m SO excited to announce that I am currently working with Episode Interactive to turn my story ‘Recently Royal’ into an Episode ‘featured’ story!
What does this mean?
🌟New backgrounds & art items created by the Episode team
🌟An enhanced storyline, with even more choices to make
🌟New excellent FREE choices, as well as the ability to unlock NEW premium content
💎You’ll earn gems per-read
How long will it take?
The process will take some time, mainly because:
✍🏻The existing chapters will be rewritten to include more free choices, some premium choices, and NEW special scenes to unlock!
📚 I’ll also be working hard on writing the next 5+ episodes so they can be released with minimal wait time
⌚️Long story short, I can’t tell you exactly WHEN Recently Royal will be ready for re-launch, but it is safe to bet that we are almost a month away.
🙏🏻 Thank you everyone for the patience so far, you have all been so kind! I literally have the best readers in the world.
Wait a minute… will Recently Royal now include *GASP* gem choices!?!?
💎 Yes! But it’s not as horrible as you might think. The gem choices being added to Recently Royal will allow you to enhance the story, but if you don’t have enough gems – don’t fret. Playing the story with the free choices will be just as enjoyable.
💎 And, bonus! Because Recently Royal will be a ‘featured’ story, you’ll earn a gem for every chapter you read. Awesome!
Will you be running a character contest for the finale of the new chapters?
Good question! Keep your eye on this space 😉
x0 –